Welcome (Quality Assurance Unit’s President)
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the webpage of the Quality Assurance Unit of the University of the Aegean!
Οn behalf of all the Members of the Quality Assurance Unit of our Institution, we hope that, through our page, you will be enlightened on our quality vision and mission, values, background, functions and key performance areas!
Quality Assurance Unit aims at achieving academic excellence and gaining confidence of all UoA stakeholders, by establishing high quality assurance procedures through its credible recognized Quality Assurance System.
Unit’s remit is to ensure that the approved quality standards and good practices are adhered to at the University of the Aegean’s teaching, learning, assessment and research procedures, as well as at its services’ performance, based on the values of transparency, accountability, improvement-oriented, collaboration and integrity.
In this regard, we wish to keep you abreast about the Units’ important projects regarding its key policies, procedures and guidelines and to share the latest news on the Quality Assurance front, concerning institutional and departmental evaluations, and programmes’ accreditations.
The Head of the Quality Assurance Unit
Prof. Helena Theodoropoulou
Quality Assurance
The Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (HQA) is an independent administrative authority which began its operations in 2006. Its mission is to ensure high quality in higher education. The Agency is governed by the President and the Council, which consists of 10 University Professors, and members representing non-academic research institutions, Chambers and students in Greece. The HQA is an independent body, overseen by the Minister of Education in regard to the legality of its actions and is responsible for quality assurance in higher education at national level.
Read more at: https://www.ethaae.gr/en/about-hqa/about
- Quality Assurance Unit
The Quality Assurance Unit, established under the Laws 3374/2005 & 4009/11, is the focal coordinating Committee, accountable for ensuring University of the Aegeans’ quality standards. The QA Unit organizes and coordinates all respective evaluation and accreditation processes, both institutionally and departmentally, under the quality principles, standards and requirements, set out by HQA and the Standards & Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015). The QA Unit is responsible for applying the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS), which includes procedures for assuring quality in teaching, learning, assessment, research and other related academic activities, as well as UoA administrative services.
In particular, the QA Unit’s coordinating role includes:
- The development of specific policies, strategies and procedures necessary for the continuous improvement of the quality of the University's work and services which constitute the University's internal quality assurance system.
- The organization, operation and continuous improvement of the Internal Quality Assurance System.
- The coordination and support of the evaluation procedures of the academic units and other services of the University.
- The support for the external evaluation and accreditation processes of the Departments’ Study Programmes/Curricula and the University's internal quality assurance system, under the HQA principles and guidelines.
- The development of an evaluation data management information system in collaboration with ADIP/HQA.
- The systematic monitoring and the publication of the procedures related to the evaluation and their results on Institution’s website
Internal Evaluation Groups
The Internal Evaluation Groups of the Departments of the University of the Aegean, established under the Laws 3374/2005 and 3848/2010, are responsible for the departments’ evaluation and accreditation procedures.
In particular, the Internal Evaluation Groups responsibilities concern:
- The implementation of the internal and external evaluation procedures within the Department in cooperation with the Quality Assurance Unit of the University.
- The implementation of the accreditation procedures within the Department in cooperation with the Quality Assurance Unit of the University.
- The collaboration with the HQA for carrying out the external evaluation and accreditations.
You may see the Internal Evaluation Groups composition of the Departments of the University of the Aegean HERE
- Quality Assurance Office
The Office of the Quality Assurance Unit of the University of the Aegean reports directly to the Head of the Quality Assurance Unit.
Its responsibilities concern the administrative support and the general management for implementing and executing the Quality Assurance Unit decisions and duties.
The Office is staffed by:
Michael Bakas, Secretary of the Quality Assurance Unit
Maria Leventeli, Staff
Angeliki Kitsiou, Staff
George Chrysoloras, Technical Support Staff
Nikolaos Papaloukas, Technical Support Staff
Quality Assurance Policy- UoA Quality Policy
The University of the Aegean has established a comprehensive Quality Assurance Policy that reflects its core values for excellence and innovation, in order to ensure the high standards and the integrity of its awarded qualifications, compliant with HQA Quality Standards, as well as the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015).
Read the Full Quality Policy Report HERE
Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
The Internal Quality Assurance System of the University of the Aegean was designed in order to ensure and continually improve the quality of University’s and its Departments’ teaching and research work, as well as the effective operation and performance of its services. The Quality assurance system of the University of the Aegean is established under the principles, criteria and guidelines of HQA and the international good practices for evaluation.
The Quality Manual is an official document of the Internal Quality Assurance System and is used as a guide to its implementation (provided only in Greek).
Quality Assurance Information System
The Quality Assurance Information System of the University of the Aegean was internally developed, in order for Quality Assurance Unit and Internal Evaluations Groups to efficiently collect and manage the evaluation data that are required of the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS). The QA Information System enables the systematic monitoring of the evaluation data, including the following subsystems:
The Quality Assurance Information System consists of the following subsystems:
- Courses’ Evaluation Questionnaires
- Courses’ Evaluation Questionnaires results & KPIs
- Faculty members Self-evaluation Questionnaires
- Faculty members Self-evaluation Questionnaires results & KPIs
- Graduates Evaluation Questionnaires for studies & services
- Graduates Evaluation Questionnaires for studies & services results & KPIs
All authorized users may have access to the Quality Assurance Information System at https://modip.aegean.gr/is/
- UoA External Evaluation
The Institutional External Evaluation of the University of the Aegean by a distinguished external evaluating Committee was elaborated in 2015. University of the Aegean was evaluated by distinguished Professors of foreign universities, regarding all aspects of its performance, in accordance with current legislation and HQA guidelines. The University of the Aegean has received the highest possible rating “Worthy of Merit”.
Read the Full External Evaluation Report HERE
You may find External Evaluation Committee members HERE
- Departments’ External Evaluation
In respect with the current legislations (L. 3374/2005 & 4009/2011) and HQA (ADIP) guidelines, the University of the Aegean has successfully applied all the processes related to the external evaluation of all its Departments during the academic years 2012-2014.
Read the Full External Evaluation Reports HERE
- UoA Accreditation
IQAS of the University of the Aegean is certified by Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (HQA) for its compliance with the HQA Quality Standards, as well as the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015). University of the Aegean received the highest possible rating “Fully Compliant”, as it is indicated in the External Accreditation Panel’s Report.
Read the Full Accreditation Report HERE
Read the HQA Accreditation Decision HERE
- Departments’ Accreditations
Study Programmes’ Accreditation is a pre-defined process by HQA that focus on the evaluation of Programmes’ quality outputs, in order to achieve their objectives and learning outcomes.
The Accreditation procedure regarding the Bachelor/Undergraduate Programmes of the University of the Aegean has been organized by HQA since 2019 and it is expected to be completed by the end of 2021. Until now the following Programmes have been accredited and they awarded by HQA the respective certifications for their compliance with the HQA Quality Standards, as well as the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015).
Read the Full Accreditation Reports HERE
You may find the Programmes’ Accreditation Certifications HERE
The University of the Aegean is included in the most important ranking systems of Higher Education Institutions worldwide, such as U-Multirank and Times Higher Education Ranking, with significant results so far.
See more at www.aegean.gr
Useful material
- Guidelines for Accreditation
- Template of the Proposal for the Accreditation of the Institution’s Internal Quality Assurance System
- Template of the Proposal for the Academic Accreditation of Undergraduate Programmes
- Standards of European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education- ENQA
- ECTS Users’ Guide
Contact us
+30 2251036122-2251036121